Simple Veggie Garden

As usual, when one can't find the tool he needs, there's always the option to make it!
I was looking for a plan to map my garden (trees, crops, paths, ...), and didn't find any solution to fir my needs.
The idea has been in the back of my head for a few of years, when the solution appeared to me a couple of weeks ago.
I'd improvise something to translate gps coordinates into svg format. Data can be stored in MariaDB, trees could be referenced by a single point represented a circle, other things would be represented by various points (either path or polygon).

Two weeks later, I'm not done populating the db for my garden but the results looks promising.
Code is at very early stage: breaking changes will happen a few times!

A few missing functions to be implemented, code reviewed, and then it will be shared!

dev image generated by version 0.08

PS: Hola Miquel, la ui esta un poco podrida aqui :p